Monday, December 24, 2007

A Message From Darla, Mark, Bethany and Tyler

When I think back to previous Christmas' and New Years, I think about how I feared the season being over and the change that comes with a new year. This year I do not feel that way. The year 2007 definitely was one with more change than I could have ever imagined. To say it was the worst would not be truthful as we are able to celebrate with both our children in good health. My grownup Christmas wish is for health and peace. Without these two things nothing else means anything.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Kara and Jamie for all that they do keeping everyone informed of what is happening on Tyler's journey with Leukemia. It has served all the "readers" with up to date information and allowed us to read all the comments and prayers. We felt the closeness and were glad to hear from many people that we just never would have expected to hear from.

To everyone else who has traveled with us this far, thank you for being there in whatever capacity it was. We have certainly discovered how fortunate we are to have so many wonderful family members and friends that have supported us and have just been there to do whatever needed to be done and more! We will never forget. What a privilege to have so much love and support. Thank you God for the strength you give us everyday to face the challenges.

Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers.

Merry Christmas and all the best for a wonderful new year.

Darla, Mark, Bethany and Tyler

Monday, December 10, 2007

December 9th Update

Tyler went for his bi-weekly check-up this week, and we are blessed to be once again informed that his story is indeed a "success story". He is gaining strength everyday, and is basically looking more like a healthy six year old. Darla, Mark, Bethany and Tyler did a great job last week on the Telethon on Stars. I was very proud of them, to hear them talk about such an emotional issue. Their message was clearly understood. As I watched the segment, I reflected on how our situation has changed since this time last year. Honestly, I don't think any of us could ever fathom that our little Tyler would be on a telethon, reaching out and informing the general public about the needs in pediatric care. It has really brought home the concept that anything can happen, at anytime, to anyone. As Darla so eloquently voiced, Tyler's illness has made us even more thankful for every little aspect of our lives.

Please continue to pray for our family.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

*** Telethon of Stars ***

SPECIAL NOTICE: The Wallis Family will be appearing on the Telethon of Stars tonight at about 8:30 pm, and tomorrow night at about 6:30 pm. They will be broadcasting a taped segment about Tyler's journey, as well as a live interview.

The Telethon of Stars will be airing on CFCF - 12.