Saturday, June 21, 2008

June 21st Update

Tyler has been at the Children's for two nights, receiving antibiotic treatments for a nasty infection in his port. It was a scary day yesterday as we awaited results from blood tests to pinpoint exactly what was going on in Tyler's system. Tyler will now be staying at the hospital for at least 5 days, being released on day passes but returning in the evening to sleep at the hospital and receiving the care that he needs to combat this infection. Although his body is showing signs of fighting the difficulties, he needs help to completely eradicate it from his system.

Unfortunately, the Wallis, Roach, and two other families were scheduled to leave for a week's vacation in New York State today. Tyler and Mark will be staying behind, hoping to visit for a day on one of Tyler's day passes.

Please pray for Tyler's strength. We are very thankful for his diagnosis, but feel very sad that he is not able to vacation...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

June 19th Update

Two evenings ago, Darla noticed that Tyler was running a high fever and called the Children's to decide how to proceed. They were asked to go run some tests and hopefully come up with the source of his fever. After an evening of tests, followed by a full day at the hospital yesterday, Dr. Mitchell called the Wallis' today and asked that Tyler be admitted in order to be administered antibiotics to ward off a skin infection that may be associated with his port. At approximately 9 AM this morning, Darla and Tyler (with Mark meeting them) hurried up to the Children's so Tyler could receive the care that he needs.

We are holding our breath that these procedures are minor, and that Tyler can enjoy the beginning of his much earned summer vacation.