What a difference a week makes. Tyler has completed his first 5 day installment of intense chemo and has been given a pass to stay at home this weekend. Darla and Mark have been armed with a truck load of medicine, including injections, pills and liquids, to keep Tyler on his path to healing. Yesterday, we went for a walk so Tyler could try out his new set of wheels; a custom fitted wheelchair. He decided to spin his wheels as fast as he could, and then throw his hands up in the air, mimicking enjoying an amusement park ride. Tyler also spent some time playing an adjusted game of baseball in his backyard. By day's end, he could hardly keep his eyes open, but refused to rest so as not to miss any of the action. Monday brings another trip to the hospital, with blood tests to evaluate Tyler’s little body’s progress.
We are thinking about you. Hope you had a great week-end home with your family. Hope we see you soon.
Melissa & Andrew O'Neill
Tyler and family,
We want you to know that are prayers and thoughts are with you.
Tyler you are one incredible little boy and Darla one amazing mother keep your good spirits.
Nathalie, Richard
Matthew and Derrick from daycare
Hi Tyler we are thinking about you often will keep you in our prayers. We are happy you were able to go home for the weekend. We are sending you a great big hug, and one for Mom and Dad too. Lots of love
Hazel(Paysel), Sarah & Matthew
Hi Tyler, Mark & Darla & Bethany!
Our hearts go out to you and you are always in our thoughts. Evelyn sends Tyler a great big HUG!
Carol, Bernie & Evelyn!
Hi Tyler!
It sounds like you had a great weekend. How fast did you go in your new wheels? Did you get a home run? Well Tyler I can't wait to see you....your courage is inspiring. I hope you realise how much you are loved and thought of by so many people.
P.S...I am sure your parent's have already told you this but be carefull when speeding around in your new wheels of the old folks walking about...wouldn't want to knock someone (like me) over! :.)
lots of hugs
Nancy Thaler
Hi Tyler, Mark, Darla and Bethany,
I was so thrilled to hear that you went home for another week-end. It sounds like you had a blast!!! Keep strong Darla and if you need to talk or require any information you know how to reach me.
Love to all and god bless.
Della, Peter and Chelsea Martin
Hi Tyler,
Just received your blog and am happy to be part of it. I missed seeing you after school this year. I hope you will soon be all better and able to run and play again. Maybe you will be well enough to come and see us at the baseball field this summer.
Darla I do realize how hard this is for you but keep up your strength and rest assured that your family will be in my prayers and if you don't mind, I will put him on the prayer list at my church.
Get better soon Tyler and God bless you and all your family. Say hello to Nanny for me.
Viola & Hi-Way (dog)
May 7, 2007 9:15 PM
Hi Darla and family. I hope the family had good weekend together and enjoyed Tyler being home sounds like he is moving, with big wheels, so you guys must be runing. Happy too hear thing are getting better there. We are all sending you and family lots of prays may each day be a better day for Tyler, he sure has shown he is strong and can get well again.
Hi Tyler,
I am following all your progress - you are very special and when all this is over, I want you to come to the radio station to meet us!!
Cheers and huge hugs,
Sharman Yarnell
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