Monday, July 9, 2007

A Rainy July 9th Update

Darla, Mark and Tyler trudged up to the Children’s yesterday for another round of blood tests, in order to determine whether the transplant will take place this week. Results were called in, from the dedicated Dr. Mitchell on his cell phone, and it was decided that Tyler’s treatments and transplant would be bumped a few weeks (about a month). Tyler’s liver enzymes were up, as an expected side effect to his past chemotherapy treatments. As the doctors want Tyler to be in the best possible shape to start his bout with radiation, we will now be looking at August as the month for his whole procedure. All in all, the little man is doing well, eating, playing and basically gaining more strength with every passing hour. His current course of treatment will be as an outpatient, receiving chemotherapy in order to maintain his current level of cancer free cells. The family has Monday and Tuesday off, as Tyler’s next visit to the hospital is on Wednesday. Tyler still has low immunity, so the family will be sticking close to home during their downtime. Thank you for your continued prayers and thoughts.


Anonymous said...

hey guys, sorry to hear u have to wait until aug... doc knows best...i can only imagine how long the waiting must be ,,,are prayers are always with you to all & God bless Lana & family

Anonymous said...

Hi Tyler, it's Caroline the student in physiotherapy seing you with Rita a couple of weeks ago. I know I told you I was gona come and see you but now that you are out-patient, it's hard so I just think about and hope that the transplant will go perfect and that you will keep getting better and better with time!!!! I don't forget you! Caro XXX