Sunday, May 20, 2007

Small but Mighty

Tyler has been in the hospital for his three day treatment, and seems as though he will not be released until at least Monday. He received a transfusion yesterday to give his little body a boost, but everything is considered to be ‘normal’. He has been busy catching some shut-eye and watching some movies. His visitors must once again be limited as his little body is once again susceptible to any germ that it encounters. He now has a trademark shirt that truly sums up the essence of his courageous spirit, “Small but Mighty”. Keep those prayers and good thoughts coming!


Debbie said...

Tyler, Bethany, Darla & Mark

We have been holding you all in our prayers.

Darla, God will continue to provide you all with the strength you need.
I wish I could be there with you.

Tyler, you are such a brave young man!!!

Love Debbie, Scott, Christopher & Isaac.

Anonymous said...

Darla, I've been thinking of you constantly. I hope everythig went the way it was supposed to, and if it didn't, please tell me.
Tyler, Justin and I are praying for you every night.