Saturday, July 21, 2007

July 20th Update

Tyler visited the hospital twice this week, for routine blood tests. He is doing well, but needed a blood transfusion today, as his white blood cell count was low. This is a side effect to his last chemotherapy treatment, and actually demonstrates that the chemo is doing its job in his little body. Overall, Tyler is getting stronger, using his upper body to move himself from his wheelchair to the chesterfield. He has been busy playing with his cousins, enjoying his time at home. His appetite is slowly returning, but he is still having difficulty with his taste buds (yet another side effect of the chemo!). Tyler’s next appointment is on Monday, and we hope that he is able to enjoy a relaxing weekend at home with his family. relaxing as this active little boy would like it to be! Please continue to pray that his body is in the best condition possible, as mid-August is just around the corner, and this is now the expected date for his transplant.


Anonymous said...

Tyler you are constantly on our minds. We regularly check your blog to see how you are doing. And we continue to ask God to give you, your sister and all of your family strenght & good health.

Jason, Chris, Ryan, Ashley & Amanda Hennelly.

Anonymous said...

On behalf of my family on Hochelaga Street in Candiac and my colleagues at The Children’s Foundation, we would like to send you Tyler, and your family our positive energy and strength. You have already demonstrated great courage and with all the support and love around you, you are well equipped to overcome this difficult battle.

Nous pensons beaucoup à vous.
Josée Della Rocca et l’équipe de la Fondation du Children.
Mon mari Philippe et mes enfants Ian et Marielou.

Anonymous said...

I am thinking of you all the time and my prayers are constantly with you.


Anonymous said...

It was so NICE to see you Tyler at church this all of u keep strong .Dane wants to come and see you with some of his football buddies when you're feeling hang in there and stay strong...lots of love and prayers to all of u Lana & family