Friday, August 10, 2007

August 10th Update

Tyler’s course of radiation is now done, and he is onto the next part of his treatment, chemotherapy for the next three days. He was taken by ambulance twice a day, to the General, where he received an hour long session of radiation. His favorite part of the ride was watching Nanny and Poppa balancing on the small ambulance seat, and joking that they were going to fall out of the back. He has now been placed on a restricted diet, much to Tyler’s dismay, and is limited to the type of food that he intakes. For supper the other night, he was served Polynesian Pork, and was definitely not impressed. He is not yet feeling too sick, and is busy painting and playing games. His room has been sterilized, and things from the outside are not permitted into his proximity. Visitors must use a telephone through a looking glass to speak to him, and only Darla, Mark, Nanny and Poppa are allowed to be within the walls of his home away from home. Following the three days of chemo, he will have one day of rest (Monday), and his transplant is slated to take place on Tuesday. Bethany will be admitted on Tuesday for her end of the bargain, and will most likely be released the same day. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tyler and family. Je voulais juste t'envoyer un petit mot d'encouragement a toi et ta famille. Tu es très fort, c'est presque fini ne lache pas!!!!!!!

Sylvain Sirois
technologue en radiothérapie
Hopital Général de Montréal

Anonymous said...

it's good to know that everything is underway...we look forward to the updates u are all forever in our thoughts & prayers.luv lana & family

Anonymous said...

We are all thinking of you. You are in our prayers every day. You are a strong little boy.

Christine, Mike, Melissa & Andrew

Anonymous said...

We send you and Bethany and to all your family all thoughts, prayers and love. We are looking forward to see that big smile of yours soon.

Tu es toujours dans nos pensés. Courages et continu d'être fort.

Éloi, Léa and Family